one of my mad dashes to the grocery, I TOLD God that I had to have a parking
space close to the door so that I could get in and out of the store, and back
home before my appointment time. I saw
one just as I drove up….and not just any
old space, but this parking space was a prime space. It was under a big shady life oak and only
two spaces from the front door….and.. I really was there first before
that big white SUV. I didn’t even look
in the direction of the SUV, just in case he was going to look angry at
me. Then, I told God thanks and made a
run for it.
I returned, my little red Vibe looked like a flock of Grackle-birds had taken
target practice all over my car. I frowned;
kicked at the ground; and said, “Oh, thanks a lot!” as I looked up in the tree,
at those birds! Then, when I got in the
car and cooled off a bit, I apologized to
God for being so greedy and taking that space away from the SUV... and for
getting angry and yelling at his birds.
But….Next time, I will have to remember that there’s a reason those “prime”
parking spaces aren’t taken.
my drive home, I remembered preacher Rick’s message, recently, that when “poopy”
things happen, it could be part of God’s plan…THAT BIGGER PICTURE (Well, maybe Rick didn’t use those exact words,
but that was the general idea of his sermon.)
we had been riding over a week with dive-bomber-dobbins covering our car, I planned
to wash it on Saturday. We got busy and
today is Wednesday, and there is still a layer of “poopy” stuff all over our
car. So….I waited for Clark &
Granddaddy to take their afternoon nap and I made a dash to the nearest car
wash (which was a do-it-yourself car wash).
closest car wash was the one that does not have an attendant on duty…
but when I drove up, I had it all to myself.
The weatherman said it was suppose to rain within the next couple of
days so, I just gave it a really quick wash & rinse…. I just wanted to remove the poop! Then I proceeded to the next lane to the vacuum.
CD player was on in the car….(we keep Clark’s children’s songs playing when we
pick him up and take him home.) NOT
being electronically inclined, I didn’t know how to change the CD or even remove
it…so I just left it playing…I even turned the volume up so I could hear it
over the vacuum…but there was no one around to disturb with my loud music.
vacuuming, I always leave all four car-doors open to hasten the job pulling that
long vacuum hose through the car. I was actually enjoyed cleaning and singing, “Jesus
calls them two by two…” & “Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know.”
ANGELS...God has his Angels on duty! Remember Joshua? He sent the singers out in front of the soldiers. Praise is power!