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Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Serious Note.....

Thanks, Dear FaceBook Friends, for covering me in prayer during my emergency episode last night immediately following a freaky backwards fall off a ladder onto our tile floor, and my head going through the wall.  Even while being strapped and taped to a board by the paramedics, our oldest daughter, Dianna, was kneeling over me praying for God to heal my body.  The rest of our children were not only in prayer but soliciting prayers from their FaceBook friends.  A great peace passed over us that we ARE children of The Creator & the Master of Healing......and HE is in charge....that HE had instructed us to pray.

I will not even pretend that my concerns about my condition were due to the severe pain in my back’ neck and head ..….but I was quickly comforted .... reminded that God is faithful.  Also, God lives richly in the hearts of our children and grandchildren (I include their mates as our children).  Then each of our children brought their cell phones, reading their endless responses from FaceBook friends offering prayers and encouragement…filling the ER with the Holy Father’s presence....and witness to doctors, nurses, and other patients.

Following four hours of test, scans & x-rays it was confirmed that God’s hand had touched me.  I was released to go home after 2:00 A.M.....and I walked out with my family. 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

“… whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:24)

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—“  (1 Timothy 2:1)

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” (Ephesians 6:18)

“…. no one can snatch them (ME) out of my Father’s hand.  I and the Father are one.” (John 10:28-30)

I thank each for your love, concern & prayers -- “..I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” (Ephesians 1:16)

And to your prayers, just add that this incident was not in vain and that lives were touched and to God be the glory!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Thousand Pictures is Worth a Giggle.....

Our precious (four-year-old grandson) Clark is NOT licking KFC’s finger-lickin’ chicken off his fingers;  and it’s NOT sugary glaze off Sunday morning’s donuts;  and he’s NOT cleaning up the last bit of cherry Lick-um-Ade off his fingers!  It’s another daily episode  of JOY in OUR RETIREMENT YEARS!

 Anytime we have Clark, I always ride in the back seat, next to Clark, while Irwin chauffeurs us about town, running our errands…and we usually end up sharing our treats….which today, was my favorite 44-oz. “gut-buster” of iced cold tea.   

I hopped out of the back seat at Home Depot to do a quick exchange of handy hardware, leaving Clark in the perfect care of his granddaddy (who happened to be in the drivers’ seat) leaving Clark playing with his games, in the back seat (in his child safety-seat). 

I was inside a little longer than the five minutes I had expected, due to eight involved excuses in the exchange line.  When I finally exited the store, I noticed a interesting cloud of white dust moving low across the parking lot, like the results of some kind of explosion.   As I approached our car, for some strange reason, I got a ravenous urge for a tall cup of my favorite Vanilla-Caramel coffee.  When I opened the back door of the car, behold “the source of the white cloud” wearing a most adorable contented smile!

My “gut-buster” of iced tea was overflowing with Vanilla-Caramel coffee creamer (which WILL NOT dissolve in iced tea).  Clark had obviously attempted to stir the full content of my Vanilla-Caramel coffee creamer with his finger.  And when it did not dissolve….he then tried to push the creamer powder under the liquid with his fist.  When his desire was not accomplished he pushed with both hands into the cup.  With nowhere for the powder to go but up…and up …and up….and out the windows..….thus the cloud of white dust!  The failure to dissolve was not a disappointment to Clark in the LEAST.  It stuck to his fingers, hands and melted down his arms.  Wow!  What a treat as he began to lick his fingers.  His mouth went through every imaginable variation as his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth and his tongue attempted to push it's way to the outside of the powder.  His lips looked like he had kissed a snow-drift.  His eyelashes were like fairy dust on a white cupcake as he blinked as he repeated over and over, "It's good!  It's very good!"

 The old saying goes, "As the dust settled...," his very cute and very short hair became the target of several teaspoonfuls of white creamer.  (How do I know the almost  accurate  measurement ??? …..because this had been my brand NEW $4.50 container of creamer and there was at least a cup of white powder in the back seat and floor of the car…..and another cup and a half floating across the parking lot and down the interstate!)

I gently blew puffs of air across Clark's face, through my giggles.  I  grabbed my ever-present camera for historical (and hysterical) proof.  It turned into a burst of laughter as I used up  ¾ of a package of handy-wipes  cleaning up the seat as I let Clark finish up his own “clean-up”.  When I gained composure, I tapped Irwin on the shoulder and pointed toward home.  He was listening to the radio and had missed the whole episode.  After all, how much noise does Vanilla-Caramel coffee creamer make?